viernes, 23 de agosto de 2013

Group 405

Hi dear students, welcome to my blog where you can practice, consolidate and have fun in English. The first thing you have to do is a video about giving advice using should and shouldn't.

  • You can make your video using a cell phone, webcam, video camera or any other electronic appliance.
  • You can upload you video on YouTube, twitter and send the link to my mail or just send the video, you can also bring it to class and share it using bluetooth or an usb memory.
  • The video has to be between 40 seconds to one minute and a half, it must be of an appropriate size and quality but make sure is not too big, so you can use a low resolution in your video.

    Go to page 71 check the section of Writing and Speaking choose one of the problems and record yourself giving advice to the person's problem.

    Make sure you use the vocabulary range according  to your level. Remember to use should and shouldn't to give advice and the expressions seen in class to support your point of view.

    • You have to send your video to my mail or take it to class by this Monday.
    See you and take care!

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