jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

Group 405

Why are you studying English?

Hi dear students, as we are going to have a long, long weekend, here I have a wonderful activity that will help you to improve your speaking and listening. It's a video about your reasons to study English.

First, you have to click on the link you will find below, when you have done so, you will see the following image:

Then, you have to sign in or "registrarse" I have drawn a red bubble on the right to show you where. Once you have signed in, you have to do the following: watch the video, learn the new words, record your voice repeating the phrases of the video and get your score as it's shown in the following picture:

As you can see on the right there are the scores. In this case is "B+ and A". You have to take your score to class  by this Monday. Print the screen or take a picture with your cell.

Here you have the link:

What's your reason to learn English?

See you and take care! See you on Monday!

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