martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015

Group 303

Superlatives and will/won't

lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015

lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2015

Group 804

Answer key File 5 Revise and check.
Here you have the answers, in case of doubt, let me know.

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2015

Group FC1-7

Echa un vistazo a esto:

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015

Group 804

Hi beautifuls! How are you doing? I hope just fine and not down in the dumps, since your exams start next Friday ( oral exam) Anyway, as I have told you, you will have to make a video as part of your oral exam, so to do it I'll give some topics and indications, you have to choose just one.

1. Music. You will have to talk about this topic, including the vocabulary seen in class about instruments and musicians, adjectives to describe music such as moving, catchy, monotomous, etc. and also some idioms ( music to my ears, out of tune, etc. Make sure you include linking words such as: and, but, because, however, on the other hand, etc. Also some phrasal verbs. In order to help you talk about it, I have included some questions that can guide your speech.

What kind of music do you like? Why? Where do you usually listen to music?
How does this kind of music makes you feel?
How does music affect your emotions?
Do you play a musical instrument? Would you like to learn?
Is there any kind of music that you definitely don't like to listen to? why?


I have always liked pop music in English and Spanish as well as romantic music, because they have moving lyrics and rhythm. I also like pop music in English since I can improve my listening skill. These kinds of music make me feel sadder when I am going through a bad experience or when I have had my heart broken. When I feel like dancing or singing I fancy listening to pop music artists such as:OV7, Yuri, etc.    I learnt to play the flute when I was at primary school, but now I can't play it. Sometimes when I have made a terrible mistake I have had to face the music and be responsible for my acts, it's when I feel depressed and want to hear something even sadder like an opera or classical music...

2. Past habits. If you choose this one your will have to describe your past habits and also talk about the things that you have had to get used to and now you are used to. You also need to include information about your sleeping habits.

Example: When I was a child I remember watching TV for more than 4 hours, I used to play in the street with my friends for hours and I didn't use to have a mobile phone. Now I can´t imagine my life without a mobile phone. When I was doing my degree, I used to be sleep deprived because I used to sleep less than 7 hours everyday during exams. Now I am used to sleeping less than 7 hours and that makes feel exhausted at times. One thing that was very difficult for me was to get used to taking care of a baby and doing the household chores, after a while I got used to it and now I find it easy to do it although sometimes I fall asleep while watching the TV...

The grade will be given according to the performance of the student according to the accuracy in grammar and vocabulary, vocabulary range, content, coherence and the correct pronunciation and intonation of the oral production.


1.   You shouldn't read what you are filming.
2.   The video must last as much as 1:30 min.
3.  It must look as natural as possible
4.    You have to decrease the video quality so that you can handle it easily
5.    You can do it with your cell phone, digital camera, video camera or any other electronic gadget.

The grade will be given according to the student's performance on the correct use of grammar structures and vocabulary range according to the level they are in, content, coherence as well as the appropriate pronunciation and intonation patterns.

Send your video to my mail by this Monday, or in class via bluetooth.
See you and take care! 

Group 303

Hi beautiful students as I told you, you have to make a video to be evaluated in your oral exam.

Video. Individual.

You have two options. Choose just one

a) Your last holiday. Go to your student's book page 13, read the 10 questions you have there and use them as a guide to talk about your last holiday, remember to use past time expressions such as last week, last month, two years ago, etc. and appropriate adjectives o describe the things you mention in your video like the food, the place where you stayed, etc.

Example: I went on holiday to Acapulco with my family two months ago. It was very good, I had a great time. We stayed in a basic but confortable and cheap hotel, the weather was very hot and sunny....

b) Describe your favourite photo and say what was happening when you took it. Remember to include as much information as you can like for example: What is the photo of? Who took the photo?, what were you wearing?, why do you like it? Where do you have it? Show the photo in your video. If you want to check more information go to your student's book page 15

Example: This is my favourite photo, it is of my grandmother. One of my cousins took it when they were in Ixtapan de la Sal 6 years ago. They were having breakfast when he took the photo. ..


1.   You shouldn't read what you are filming.
2.    The video must last as much as 1:30 min.
3.  It must look as natural as possible
4.    You have to decrease the video quality so that you can handle it easily
5.    You can do it with your cell phone, digital camera, video camera or any other electronic gadget.

The grade will be given according to the student's performance on the correct use of grammar structures and vocabulary range according to the level they are in, as well as the appropriate pronunciation and intonation patterns.

Send your video to my mail by this Monday, or in class via bluetooth.

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2015

Group 303

HI, I'm sending you the answers of the Revise and Check files 1 & 2
See you and take care!

lunes, 24 de agosto de 2015

Group 303


Hello dear students It's a pleasure to meet you all. We are going to work on different topics to help you learn,  practice and consolidate English.

First of all, as we have practised word order in questions, here you have an activity to practice that, click on the following link and do the first activity .

Finally, let´s have some fun doing this activity on pronunciation, it's called "stress monsters" go to the link, choose a level of difficulty and play the game!

When you finish the activities, print them or take a picture of your score, and take them to classes next Thursday to revise them.

See you and take care!

Group 804


Hi beautiful students, It's nice to be working with you during this semestre. I know it's been tough the topics of the file 4, so here you have some extra information on conditionals for you to revise a bit more, and then I selected some activities for you to practice.

First, click on the following links where you'll find a comprehensive piece of information on all the conditionals. Study carefully and pay attention to the examples.

Then, go to the following link to do some some activities on conditionals.

Finally, an activity on idioms about feelings, I hope this is just a piece of cake.

Do the activities, print them or take a picture of your score, and take them to class next Thursday to give feedback.

See you and take care!

Group FC1-7


Hello my dear students welcome to my place, It's a pleasure for me to be working with you, congratulations on being in this level, I know that from now on, you need a lot of practice on vocabulary, idioms and above all, phrasal verbs.

So, to begin with, let's get down to working with some vocabulary practice. Go to the following link, download the 2 pages, answer the exercises and take them to class next Thursday, so we can check the answers.

Take care!

martes, 30 de junio de 2015

Group 602

More phrasal verbs

Group 802


How are you doing? I hope just fine and ready to go on holidays. As I told you in class, you need to make a video (individual) as a part of your oral evaluation. The video is about "regrets" Talk about things you regret in life, it can be about your family, education, lifestyle, work, etc. Make sure you use the grammar structures and vocabulary range seen in class such as: wish + past perfect, ed/ing adjectives, expressions with go, etc.


Regrets? well I have a few. To be honest, the thing I most regret is my fear of trying new things, I wish I had been a less faint-hearted person and do new things, for example, I wish I had travelled more around the world, I wish I had been brave enough to go for it. I know I can do it now, but I wish I could do it on my own and that is a bit complicated since I have children and I can´t leave them for so long...


1.   You shouldn't read what you are filming.
2.    The video must last as much as 1:30 min.
3.  It must look as natural as possible
4.    You have to decrease the video quality so that you can handle it easily
5.    You can do it with your cell phone, digital camera, video camera or any other electronic gadget.

The grade will be given according to the student's performance on the correct use of grammar structures and vocabulary range according to the level they are in, as well as the appropriate pronunciation and intonation patterns.

Send your video to my mail by this Friday, or in class via bluetooth.

Group 602

Hi boys and girls! I think you must be happy because we are about to go on holidays. As you know we are about to finish this semestre so we need to do a couple of things before we finish. You have to make a video (individual) about a person you admire, (alive or dead) make sure you include the following information: who they are, what you know about them, why you admire them. Use the grammar structures and vocabulary range seen in class, such as: relative clauses, phrasal verbs, adverbs, compound nouns, linking words etc.

Example: I'm going to talk about Mahatma Gandhi who was an Indian politician, lawyer, and thinker, who was also called Bapu -father-. He was very famous for being in favour of the áimsha -no violence- as a way to cope with the British Government, which suppresed the Indian people.
Although he was in prision on many occasions, he soon  became a national hero......


1.   You shouldn't read what you are filming.
2.    The video must last as much as 1:30 min.
3.  It must look as natural as possible
4.    You have to decrease the video quality so that you can handle it easily
5.    You can do it with your cell phone, digital camera, video camera or any other electronic gadget.

The grade will be given according to the student's performance on the correct use of grammar structures and vocabulary range according to the level they are in, as well as the appropriate pronunciation and intonation patterns.

Send your video to my mail by this Friday, or in class via bluetooth.

jueves, 25 de junio de 2015

Group 602

Here you have more phrasal verbs to keep on practicing. They are about food and eating, revise them and think about some meaningful examples you can share in class tomorrow. See you and take care! 😀

viernes, 19 de junio de 2015

6th level students

Phrasal verbs


Hi dear students, as you have asked me, here you have an extra activity for you to have further practice on phrasal verbs. Do the exercise and we can check your answers next Monday in class. See you and take care!

viernes, 22 de mayo de 2015

Group 802

Word  Formation

irregular nouns

Hi dear students, I hope you have enjoyed your weekend, as you have asked me, I looked for some activities for you to practice on irregular noun formation, below you will find a link that will take you to a site about this interesting topic, revise the information and do the exercise which appears below. Show me your answers on Wednesday.

Then, here you have a piece of information on uncountable and plual nouns, study all the  information and then, click on the link at the bottom of the page about collective and compund nouns.

Here you have another page on the same topic but it gives further infomation about it. Revise it and after that do the exercise that appears at the bottom of the page.about countable vs uncountable nouns Exercise 1, do it and show me your answers also on wednesday.

I hope you find this information useful and meaningful for your learning. See you and take care!

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015

6th level students

Speaking and listening practice


Hi dear students, as I have told you, we are going to do some activities to help you improve your listening, speaking and pronunciation. Here you'll find a very interesting video on "Should you trust your first impressions" that was one of the topics seen in class. The website is "English Central" tha page that we have been talking about.  On this page you will find a video, you have to log in or sing in and then, start doing the video activities: Watch, learn the words and speak. At the end of the video you will be given your feedback and grade. Show me your grade on Tuesday. I hope you enjoy it and find it helpful. Click on the following link.

 See you and take care!

martes, 21 de abril de 2015

Group 802 2015


Hi beautifuls! How are you doing? I hope just fine and not down in the dumps, since your exams start next Friday ( oral exam) Anyway, as I have told you, you will have to make a video as part of your oral exam, so to do it I'll give some topics and indications, you have to choose just one.

1. Music. You will have to talk about this topic, including the vocabulary seen in class about instruments and musicians, adjectives to describe music such as moving, catchy, monotomous, etc. and also some idioms ( music to my ears, out of tune, etc. Make sure to include linking words such as: and, but, because, however, on the other hand, etc. Also some phrasal verbs. In order to help you talk about it, I have include some questions that can guide your speech.

What kind of music do you like? Why? Where do you usually listen to music?
How does this kind of music makes you feel?
How does music affect your emotions?
Do you play a musical instrument? Would you like to learn?
Is there any kind of music that you definitely don't like to listen to? why?


I have always liked pop music in English and Spanish as well as romantic music, because they have moving lyrics and rhythm. I also like pop music in English since I can improve my listening skill. Theses kinds of music make feel sadder when I am going through a bad experience or when I have had my heart broken. When I feel like dancing or singing I fancy listening to pop music artists such as:OV7, Yuri, etc.    I learnt to play the flute when I was at primary school, but now I can't play it. Sometimes when I have made a terrible mistake I have had to face the music and be responsible for my acts, it's when I feel depressed and want to hear something even sadder like an opera or classical music...

2. Past habits. If you choose this one your will have to describe your past habits and also talk about the things that you have had to get used to and now you are used to. You also need to include information about your sleeping habits.

Example: When I was a child I remember watching TV for more than 4 hours, I used to play in the street with my friends for hours and I didn't use to have a mobile phone. Now I can´t imagine my life without a mobile phone. When I was doing my degree, I used to be sleep deprived because I used to sleep less than 7 hours everyday during exams. Now I am used to sleeping less than 7 hours and that makes feel exhausted at times. One thing that was very difficult for me was to get used to taking care of a baby and doing the household chores, after a while I got used to it and now I find it easy to do it although sometimes I fall asleep while watching the TV...

The grade will be given according to the performance of the student according to the accuracy in grammar and vocabulary, vocabulary range, content, coherence and the correct pronunciation and intonation of the oral production.

Don't read what you are about to say, it must look natural. 
You have to make your video using your cellphone, camera, Ipad or any other electronic appliance. It must have a duration of maximum 2 minutes and you have to decrease the resolution of your video so that it is not too heavy, please the size of your video must be less than 20 megas (ideally) so you can send it to my mail or via bluetooth next Monday.

See you and take care! 

6th level Students 2015


Hi dear students, as all of you know, we are about to start our exams, and next Friday your English Oral exam starts, so to have a more objective evaluation you will have to make an individual video about one of the following topics:

1. Yes, appearance matters:
  • How important do you think appearance is for a singer or  doctor? Choose one. Do you think it is right their appearance matters?
 Example: I think that appearance is extremely important for a doctor, because they have to look clean, formal and serious to make people feel comfortable, that's why wearing a white coat must be essential for their appearance... However, I don't think their appearance should be the most important, I think their attitude must be the most important because I have known some....

Remember in this task it is important to give reasons, to express your opinion clearly and reach a conclusion

2. Shot on location

  • Describe a film, saying where it was set, what it is based on, who it was directed by, and what you thought of it. Include an image of the film if it's possible.

Example: One of the most satisfying films I've ever seen was "The pursuit of happiness" which was starred by Will Smith in the role of Chris Gardner and produced by Gabriele Muccino. This movie is a drama based on a true story of self-improvement. It was set in San Francisco in the 80's and it is about the story of a struggling salesman who has to....

Remember in this topic it is important to include all the aspects required when we describe a film, such as the use of proper adjectives to describe films like: violent, funny scary, moving, etc or adjectives to describe the kind of film such as: action film, thriller, horror film, etc. You also have to include vocabulary about the people and things involved in the making of a movie ( subtitles, audience, extra, soundtrack, etc)

Don't read what you are about to say, it must look natural.
You have to make your video using your cellphone, camera, Ipad or any other electronic appliance. It must have a duration of maximum 2 minutes and you have to decrease the resolution of your video so that it is not too heavy, please the size of your video must be less than 20 megas (ideally) so you can send it to my mail or via bluetooth next Monday.

The grade will be given according to the accuracy in grammar, vocabulary range according to the level you are in, and the correct pronunciation and intonation patterns. You also have to do exactly what you are asked

See you and take care! If you have any doubt, let me know and I'll help you.