martes, 21 de abril de 2015

6th level Students 2015


Hi dear students, as all of you know, we are about to start our exams, and next Friday your English Oral exam starts, so to have a more objective evaluation you will have to make an individual video about one of the following topics:

1. Yes, appearance matters:
  • How important do you think appearance is for a singer or  doctor? Choose one. Do you think it is right their appearance matters?
 Example: I think that appearance is extremely important for a doctor, because they have to look clean, formal and serious to make people feel comfortable, that's why wearing a white coat must be essential for their appearance... However, I don't think their appearance should be the most important, I think their attitude must be the most important because I have known some....

Remember in this task it is important to give reasons, to express your opinion clearly and reach a conclusion

2. Shot on location

  • Describe a film, saying where it was set, what it is based on, who it was directed by, and what you thought of it. Include an image of the film if it's possible.

Example: One of the most satisfying films I've ever seen was "The pursuit of happiness" which was starred by Will Smith in the role of Chris Gardner and produced by Gabriele Muccino. This movie is a drama based on a true story of self-improvement. It was set in San Francisco in the 80's and it is about the story of a struggling salesman who has to....

Remember in this topic it is important to include all the aspects required when we describe a film, such as the use of proper adjectives to describe films like: violent, funny scary, moving, etc or adjectives to describe the kind of film such as: action film, thriller, horror film, etc. You also have to include vocabulary about the people and things involved in the making of a movie ( subtitles, audience, extra, soundtrack, etc)

Don't read what you are about to say, it must look natural.
You have to make your video using your cellphone, camera, Ipad or any other electronic appliance. It must have a duration of maximum 2 minutes and you have to decrease the resolution of your video so that it is not too heavy, please the size of your video must be less than 20 megas (ideally) so you can send it to my mail or via bluetooth next Monday.

The grade will be given according to the accuracy in grammar, vocabulary range according to the level you are in, and the correct pronunciation and intonation patterns. You also have to do exactly what you are asked

See you and take care! If you have any doubt, let me know and I'll help you.

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