viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016

Group 203


Welcome dear students to this form of learning together using technology. As I told you in class you have to make a video using the information you have on page 55 of your student book  "When was the last time you...?  Choose 4 sentences and talk about them.


The last time I cried at the end of a film was last year. The film was "No se aceptan devoluciones"
The last time I danced was two weeks ago, I danced at a party.


1.   You shouldn't read what you are filming.
2.    The video must last between 45 seconds and  1:00 min.
3.  It must look as natural as possible
4.    You have to decrease the video quality so that you can handle it easily.
5.    You can do it with your cell phone, digital camera, video camera or any other electronic gadget.

I hope you understand everything. 
Para disminuír la calidad de su video pueden cambiar  la configuración en sus teléfonos o usar la aplicación "video show" les muestro la imagen. A veces se necesita bajar la calidad del video para poderlo enviar via correo o bluetooth.


Send your video to my mail before this Monday  we will check it in classes. 

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