sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2009

Groups 804 & 802

How are you doing? I hope everything is OK. I know that this new unit has a lot to do with physical appearance, and some of you find it really complicated to try to remember all the words which have just been introduced to you. However, I also know that these words are really useful for you all since we very often, need to describe a person's appearance. So, I found a very interesting site where you can learn much more vocabulary not only to describe faces, but the whole appearance, and personally speaking, this site will become one of your favourites because it has the exact words you need to know to describe someone. The funny thing, is that the site was created to help Engish-speaking people to learn Spanish! Here's the link:


Once you have checked this I want you to choose 10 words to make 10 sentences. The words must be of the different categories shown in the site, I mean, you can choose 2 about face, 1 about noses, 3 about hair, etc. Please try to choose the words which you find the most difficult to remember or use, and illustrate at least 5 of your 10 sentences using drawings, pictures or whatever you want. You have to show them to me by Wednesday in class.

Then you have to print the activity in the following link and hand it out by Friday, in this case, you have to write a synonym of the compound adjectives that you make on the right.


See you! Take care. Ah! I almost forget that this time it's a must to drop a line in the blog about what you think of the site and the activitiy. OK? Bye

18 comentarios:

  1. I think it was really difficult for me to check the sites, because the first one wasn't available, and the second one was confusing and I didn't know exactly where to click to find the information I was looking for.

  2. Hi! I was checking the sites; the first one has lots of information about -How can you do an specific description of someone- it's great.
    I tried to check the second one, but tonight it's raining and I don't have a non-break system :-(
    But tomorrow I'll check it :-) Leslie

  3. hi teacher
    it was a great challenge to find the way to leave a comment in your blog in fact I had to create an account on google .
    but finally I just want to say that the first one it wasnt avaible and the second I didnt know where to look.
    well see you tomorrow

  4. hi again teacher
    jejeje finally after a lots attempts I
    could open the two sites xD

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. hi teacher!
    im mariana...at first i had the same problem that julia, but after a while i find the solution. The first site in my opinion was great because have a lot of information and words that i have never heard before, now with the exercise you gave us i learn new words, so its great. But i dont like to much the second site with the other exercise because i cant check if i am ok or not, i have no qualification, and i like to check the answers by myself to see if im fine.( i do not do trap really!jeje) well thats all, see you tomorrow!!

  7. Hi miss!! I think the first site is very useful for us, the thing is that I couldn't open it and I've tried everything I can, so I hope you understand my situation. At least I could open the second site after many tries jaja. See you tomorrow!!

  8. I don't know why my name is ertger jaja but I'm Sandy. I think I need some lessons about blogs. See you tomorrow

  9. ==Hi Teacher thank you for these exercises==
    I admit that I am worried because there were a lot of words that I don’t know about physical appearance in the first exercise, but I think that Illustrating is a good way to remember the meaning of many words.

  10. I want to tell you that the extra help that you gave us is very usefull mmm... well for me because sometimes is a bit difficult to understand and express what I have lernt from the topics, anyway I wish for myself the best in this semester¡¡¡

    xoxoxo =) =) =) =) =)

  11. hi!teacher this extra-works are really productive and good for out learning.tank you and get well soon.
    Adriana I. Heredia

  12. hey teacher! I´m Alexa, and I just have to say that I really enjoyed this activities, because they helped me to improve my vocabulary (talking about appearance) and It was very funny remembering how some of my friends look like ´cause I used them in my examples jajajaj... well teacher see you soon
    I hope you feel better
    good bye!!!! =D

  13. hi miss.i think that this vocabulary will help me a lot,i have found many words that i did´nt know. On the other hand,i hope you feel better.Don´t worry, you´ll be ok.hugs and kisses.

  14. Hi Teacher!! I hope you get well soon! ;)

    The first activity is ok! =D

    But I can't check the second one! =/
    I try writing the page as you told us, but it doesn't work, because it doesn't show me the activity that you ask for, it just show me the general page!

    What can I do? =S I need help!!

  15. Hi teacher I have done the second activty about compound adjectives and I realised that there are other ways to say the same thing :-), I suggest to my classmates that they visit www.woxikon.es/here you could find synonims about some adjectives.

    I hope you feel better. Take care

  16. Hi everybody! I've checked some of the comments that you have made. Tania try to write the address directly in the white bar or copy and paste it and it will immediately take you to the site. I hope you find this information useful. Thanks for your wishes, and I Hope to see you all next Wednesday. Bye take care

  17. Hi Miss! These activities are very interesting because they help us to increase ours vocabulary mainly to use it. Personaly there are words that I didn't know but when I was looking for i could learn much and they are funny!!

  18. Hi miss, i like having you back at school I really miss your classes, I think I'm used to the way you teach us. In other hand I'm happy for you that you get trough the flu... I'm sorry but I didn't know how to left a comment before, until someone explained to me.. Bye and take care
