lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011


Hi there! What are you up to? I hope you are just fine. Today I would like you to do an exercise here about phrasal verbs related to the main topic of this new unit: work and jobs. Just write down your anwers on a separate sheet of paper and bring it to class this Wednesday, if you want, you can copy the whole exercise but it's not necessary. This time I would also like you to drop a line here to let me know what's your opinion of the blog and any thing you want to share with us.

See you in class! Take care!

Phrasal Verbs

Complete the sentences by making phrasal verbs using the particles below. More than one may be possible.

back for out with in on down off

1. If you would like to apply for the job, simply fill _______ the online application form.
2. Petra deals ________ some of our most important clients and handles their accounts.
3. He is looking_________ staff. He always takes ________ extra staff during the holiday season.
4. I sent _______ my CV and a letter of application but they never wrote _______.
5. Terrible news... the factory is laying ______ three hundred people; the jobs are going overseas.
6. They offered me the job but I turned it ______ when I found _____ the salary was too low.

Good luck to you all.

1 comentario:

  1. Hello TEACHER!

    I like the blog, because is a good practice for us and also it is usuful!

    I relly like it!

    See you soon!
