lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009

Groups 802 & 804

Hi everybody, I know that talking about parts of a house and objects in a house might be a bit difficult since there are many different things to remember, so I discovered an interesting activity for you to improve your listening on this vocabulary. First, listen and study the vocabulary on the following link

Then, go to the activity of "dictation medium" and do it. Print your score and bring it on Thursday. See you in class.

Group 902

Hi there! As we have been working with vocabulary related to means of transportation I have chosen a very interesting web site for you to practice that, so the only thing you have to do is the following. Click on the next link:

Look at the flash cards showing the different kinds of transportation, you also will hear its pronunciation and then do the exercises shown as "medium". Print your results and bring them to classes on Thursday.

martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

Groups 802 and 804

How are you doing? Ready to celebrate "Halloween" or "Dia de Muertos" Well it's up to you, as long as you go somewhere this weekend and have fun. Anyway, let's do some activities to help you understand the topic on relative clauses. First of all check the information that appears on the following link.
This web site has comprenhensive information on clauses from beginners to advanced learners. So is extra grammar reference for you to study. Once you have check this, do the exercises which appear in the following links:
Remember to check your answers by clicking on the grey box. Print them and hand them in by Friday.

Group 703

Hi there! How are you doing? I hope you all are well. As we have been practicing body idioms, it's a good idea to do the following activity. First, you have to click on the following link where you'll find a list of different kinds of idioms. Then, you have to choose 4 of them to make up a conversation in which you use them according to the meaning you have understood, write it down and hand in by this Friday. The link is the following:

Apart from the conversation, you also have to do the exercise which appears after the list of body idioms, remember to check your answers if you need it to, print it and give it to me on Friday too.

Well that's all for today see you in classes. Have a nice day!
By the way I found this video about idioms. It may be really interesting for you. Check it and tell me what you think about it in class. Bye

sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2009

Group 703

Hi boys and girls! It's been a long time since we last got in touch with each other, anyway, as I know that the topic on verb patterns is quite extensive, I found a site that you may need to improve and consolidate your knowledge. The only thing that you have to do this time is: First click the first link to study the list of verb patterns found there, you decide if you want to print it or just to check it, it might be useful to print it though, then go to the following links, print the exercises and hand them out by Wednesday. Remember to check the answers on the page in case you have a doubt. Ok? Let's see the first link:

In this link you can find the list of verbs.

This is to practice verb + ing or infinitive

This is to practice the structure verb + object + infinitive

That's all see you in class, take care.

Groups 804 & 802

How are you doing? I hope everything is OK. I know that this new unit has a lot to do with physical appearance, and some of you find it really complicated to try to remember all the words which have just been introduced to you. However, I also know that these words are really useful for you all since we very often, need to describe a person's appearance. So, I found a very interesting site where you can learn much more vocabulary not only to describe faces, but the whole appearance, and personally speaking, this site will become one of your favourites because it has the exact words you need to know to describe someone. The funny thing, is that the site was created to help Engish-speaking people to learn Spanish! Here's the link:

Once you have checked this I want you to choose 10 words to make 10 sentences. The words must be of the different categories shown in the site, I mean, you can choose 2 about face, 1 about noses, 3 about hair, etc. Please try to choose the words which you find the most difficult to remember or use, and illustrate at least 5 of your 10 sentences using drawings, pictures or whatever you want. You have to show them to me by Wednesday in class.

Then you have to print the activity in the following link and hand it out by Friday, in this case, you have to write a synonym of the compound adjectives that you make on the right.

See you! Take care. Ah! I almost forget that this time it's a must to drop a line in the blog about what you think of the site and the activitiy. OK? Bye

Group 902

Hi there! How are you? I hope this two-day break had been useful for you all. As you know we have just started a new unit with lots of new words and expresions to describe vocabulary on landscapes. So to begin with, I'd like you to practice your pronunciation of some useful words in the following link:

Once you have checked this please, choose 5 words to write 5 different sentences and show them to me by next Wednesday. It's also a must to drop a line just to let me know what you think of this acivity, Ok? See you in class

domingo, 30 de agosto de 2009

Group 703

Hi dear students!

I know that this topic about tag questions it's a bit too difficult, that's why I looked for more activities for you to practice, please click on the following link and do the exercise, when you have finished, just print your score and give it to me this wednesday, Ok?

And as an extra listening activity, please also check the following link, where you can listen to a native speaker reading 10 sentences with tag questions, when you have finished, try to write down the 10 sentences he said, I'm sure you can do it. It will help you to develop you listening skill. Click on track 1

When you finished, click here to check your answers and the explanations:

Please, feel free to drop any comment you want to share with us. And if you find another activity on the web that might be useful for your classmates, share it with us, ok?

Groups 802 and 804

Hi! The activity you have this week is the following: After having worked with the exercises on both, the student and the workbook, please click on the following link, in this site you will find an exercise on reporting verbs, this exercise contains twelve multiple-choice questions in which you can consolidate what we have practice in class.

Once you have finished doing this activity please, print your final score, how many good answers did you get? Please show off and tell me that you get 100%. Bye. By the way the deadline is this Wednesday. And please feel free to drop any comment to the activity or if you find any other site that would be useful for your classmates, to do this you need to have an e-mail account.

Group 902, 903 and 905

It's nice to see you all after a long while. today we start working on the internet with this blog.

The first activity for you is the following. After having checked the activities of the grammar section on your book in class, click on the following link and do the activities. This site has a feedback section so you just have to print the last page where your score is shown.

I hope this site is helpful for you all. The deadline to hand in this activity is Monday, so you have plenty of time to do it.. Bye. Take care. By the way, feel free to drop any comment you want to share with us, or any other activity you have found on the web that can be useful to your classmates.

Dear English Students

Hi! Everybody It's a pleasure to start a new semestre with all of you. This is a space to create and share knowledge, as you can see in the title of this blog. Obviously, it's a way to keep in touch and practice the language in a more "real" way. Since I have 4 different English groups, I will ask you to do the activities selected for your group only, because as you can imagine I find it difficult to do more blogs for each of my groups. Anyway, I hope this new way to work this semestre to be more dynamic, funny, interactive but above all, meaningful for you all.

In this place you will find links to different kinds of activities to practice grammar, vocabulary and if time allows us, reading and some games.

One of the disadvantages of blogs is that I can't upload some archives that I already have, but if I consider this to be important, I will find the way to send them to you, that's why it's important to have an e-mail address available.